# Development | webally.co.za

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# 3rd Party MySQL Client

Adminer is a single PHP file web based mysql client, very handy for remote SQL Management

# Bash Scripting

Bash is not the most exciting topic and I would a very nice reference to most if the issues I've ever experienced: Bash Scripting

# Browser Dev Tools& Tips

Here are a small collection of browser developer tools that you should know about

# Build Tools

# Chrome Extensions

# Dev Tools

  • Dev Tools

  • I created a few development tools that can plug into any backend or frontend to give me instant feedback on any requested module / class, method or function

  • It is also important to get feedback on the time spend executing certain tasks.

  • Since PHP 7.4 when they introduced the PHP RFC: Preload I saw an opportunity by preloading the dev tools, I get to hook into any code loaded afterwards, giving me access to monitor any system without interfering with any existing code.

# Some of the tools

# Design Patterns

# Public API's

# Frontend Development

# Telegram BOT

# TypeScript TypeScript Handbook

# Node.js - Server Side Scripting

# JavaScript

# JS Libraries

# JS Document Editors, Mockups and Site Generators

# State Management

# Surreal DB

# Vue.js Framework

# Quasar JS Frameworks

# WTF... How did that happen?

These are the worst and the best times. It will freak you out, but will probably teach you a lot more!

When you run into a situation where you are saying WTF... How did that happen?

But first some theory: Semaphores