# Chrome Manifest V3 | webally.co.za

A step in the direction of security, privacy, and performance.

Published on Monday, November 9, 2020

This site introduces Manifest V3 for Chrome Extensions (MV3). It presents the background and reasons for introducing MV3 and our vision for the platform's future, along with guidance on how to optimize your extensions to use MV3.

Manifest V3 represents one of the biggest shifts in the extensions platform since it launched a decade ago. Extensions using MV3 will enjoy enhancements in security, privacy, and performance; they can also use more contemporary Open Web technologies adopted in MV3, such as service workers and promises. Developers can update their extensions today to take advantage of these MV3 features; this will become mandatory as we phase out MV2 in the future.

Manifest V3 is part of a shift in the philosophy behind how we approach end-user security and privacy. The pages in this section provide an overview of MV3, the reasons behind it, and how to approach it:

  • Platform vision explains how the MV3 changes fit into the big picture of where the platform is going.
  • Overview of Manifest V3 summarizes the technical changes introduced with MV3.
  • Migration guide tells you how to get started updating MV2 extensions so they work in MV3.
