# DEV Tools | webally.co.za

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# Getting Started

In an ideal word the dev tools would be loaded from a remote server so that I don't have to keep on deplaying the dev tools on every server. After some playing around for a while I created a Docker container serving each script on a different por. For now I'm still playing around with some more ideas.

    nano /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

Where is says AllowOverride none, change that so that it says AllowOverride All, save (CTRL O) and exit (CTRL X) Copy .htaccess file that is located in the tools/system folder to the root of the project you are editing. Now all traffic will be routed to /tool/system/prepend.php This will add the dev-tools to the execution of the code, them the prepend script will include the file that was supposed to opened in the first place.


The following needs to be set to 'On' in the php.ini file.

`allow_url_include = On`

If you do not have access to the php.ini you can simply upload the tools folder to the public_html folder, then the following to the file.


Thats it, just include and use