# Cash.js Library

cash.js Docs

Minimalist replacement for jQuery

Adding Script to DOM

<script src="cash.js"></script>

# $()

$(selector,[context])=> collection
$(collection)=> self
$(DOM elements)=> collection
$(HTML)=> collection

This is the main selector method for cash. It returns an actionable collection of nodes.

# $.each

$.each(collection, callback)=> collection

Iterates through a collection and calls the callback method on each.

# $.extend

$.extend(target,source)=> object

Extends target object with properties from the source object.

# $.matches

$.matches(element, selector)=> boolean

Checks a selector against an element, returning a boolean value for match.

# $.parseHTML

$.parseHTML(htmlString)=> collection

Returns a collection from an HTML string.

# $.fn

$.fn=> cash.prototype

The main prototype. Adding properties and methods will add it to all collections

# add

add(element) => collection
add(selector) => collection

Returns a new collection with the element added to the end, will accept any amount of arguments and add them all in sequence.

# addClass

addClass(className)=> collection

Adds the className argument to collection elements.

# append

append(element)=> collection

Appends the target element to the first element in the collection.

# appendTo

appendTo(element)=> collection

Adds the first element in a collection to the target element.

# attr

attr(attrName)=> AttributeValue
attr(attrName, attrValue)=> collection

Without attrValue, returns the attribute value of the first element in the collection. With attrValue, sets the attribute value of each element of the collection.

## `children`

children()=> collection
children(selector)=> collection

Without a selector specified, returns a collection of child elements . With a selector, returns child elements that match the selector.

# clone

clone()=> collection

Returns a clone of the collection.

# closest

closest()=> collection
closest(selector)=> collection

Returns the closest matching selector up the DOM tree.

# css

css(property)=> value
css(property,value)=> collection
css(object)=> collection

Returns a CSS property value when just property is supplied. Sets a CSS property when property and value are supplied, and set multiple properties when an object is supplied.

# data

data(key)=> value
data(key,value)=> collection

Returns data attribute value when key is supplied. Sets data attribute value when both key and value are supplied.

# each

each(callback)=> collection

Iterates over a collection with callback(value, index, array)

# empty

empty()=> collection

Empties an elements interior markup.

# eq

eq(index)=> collection

Returns a collection with the element at index.

# filter

filter(function)=> collection

Returns the collection that results from applying the filter method.

# find

find(selector)=> collection

Returns selector match descendants from the first element in the collection.

# first

first()=> collection

Returns the first element in the collection.

# get

get(index)=> domNode

Returns the element at the index.

# has

has(selector)=> boolean

Returns boolean result of the selector argument against the collection.

# hasClass

hasClass(className)=> boolean

Returns the boolean result of checking if the first element in the collection has the className attribute.

# height

height()=> integer

Returns the height of the element.

# html

html()=> HTML Text
html(HTML)=> HTML Text

Returns the HTML text of the first element in the collection, sets the HTML if provided.

# index

index()=> Integer
index(element)=> Integer

Returns the index of the element in its parent if an element or selector isn't provided. Returns index within element or selector if it is.

# innerHeight

innerHeight()=> integer

Returns the height of the element + padding

# innerWidth

innerWidth()=> integer

Returns the width of the element + padding

# insertAfter

insertAfter(element)=> collection

Inserts collection after specified element.

# insertBefore

insertBefore(element)=> collection

Inserts collection before specified element.

# is

is(selector)=> boolean

Returns whether the provided selector matches the first element in the collection.

# last

last()=> collection

Returns last element in the collection.

# ext

next()=> collection

Returns next sibling

# not

not(selector)=> collection

Filters collection by false match on selector.

# off

off(eventName,eventHandler)=> collection

Removes event listener from collection elements.

# on

on(eventName,eventHandler)=> collection
on(eventName, delegate, eventHandler)=> collection

Adds event listener to collection elements. Event is delegated if delegate is supplied.

# outerHeight

outerHeight()=> integer
outerHeight(margin)=> integer

Returns the outer height of the element. Includes margins if margin is set to true.

# outerWidth

outerWidth()=> integer
outerWidth(margin)=> integer

Returns the outer width of the element. Includes margins if margin is set to true.

# parent

parent()=> collection

Returns parent element.

# parents

parents(selector)=> collection

Returns recursive parent by selector.

Prepends element to the first element in collection.

# prependTo

prependTo(element)=> collection

Prepends first element in collection to the element.

# prev

prev()=> collection

Returns the previous adjacent element.

# prepend

prepend(element)=> collection

Prepends element to the first element in collection.

# prop

prop(property)=> Property value

Returns property value.

# ready

ready(callback)=> collection/span>

Calls callback method on DOMContentLoaded.

# remove

remove()=> collection

Removes collection elements from the DOM.

# removeAttr

removeAttr(attrName)=> collection

Removes attribute from collection elements

# removeClass

removeClass(className)=> collection

Removes className from collection elements

# removeData

removeData(name)=> collection

Removes data attribute from collection elements

# serialize

serialize()=> String

When called on a form, serializes and returns form data.

# siblings

siblings()=> collection

Returns a collection of sibling elements.

# text

text()=> text
text(textContent)=> collection

Returns the inner text of the first element in the collection, sets the text if textContent is provided.

# trigger

trigger(eventName)=> collection

Triggers supplied event on elements in collection.

# val

val()=> value
val(value)=> collection

Returns an inputs value. If value is supplied, sets all inputs in collection's value to the value argument.

# width

width()=> integer

Returns the width of the element.