# Vue Web Storage | webally.co.za

# Features

  • Choose either localStorage or sessionStorage or both
  • Prefix all of your stored keys
  • Auto JSON.stringify and JSON.parse
  • Events for cross tab communication

# Install

# yarn
yarn add vue-web-storage

# Usage

The usage is a bit different than the online docs, whe have to import it via a boot file

So first create a new boot file

quasar new boot viewWebStorage

Edit Boot File /src/boot/viewWebStorage.js

import { boot } from 'quasar/wrappers'
import StoragePlugin from 'vue-web-storage';

export default boot(({ app }) => {
  app.use(StoragePlugin, {
    prefix: 'secZone_',// default `app_`
    drivers: ['session', 'local'], // default 'local'

  // It will register two different instances
  // this.$sessionStorage
  // this.$localStorage

# Methods

All methods take care of prefix in key name, so you no need to specify the prefix when using them.


Stores the value under specified key in storage. Convert value to JSON before saving. This method throws error on failure.

this.$localStorage.set('name', 'john')
this.$localStorage.set('isAdmin', true)
this.$localStorage.set('roles', ['admin', 'sub-admin'])
this.$localStorage.set('permission', {id: 2, slug: 'edit_post'})

get(key, ?defaultValue = null)

Retrieves given key value from storage, parse the value from JSON before returning. If parsing failed then throws error.

this.$localStorage.get('doesNotExistsInStorage', 'defaultValue')


Removes the individual key from storage.


clear(?force = false)

Removes all keys from storage. Passing true will clear whole storage without taking prefix into consideration.


keys(?withPrefix = false)

Returns array of keys stored in storage. Passing true will return prefixed key names.



Returns true if key exists in storage regardless of its value.



Returns the number of keys stored in storage.


Events 💡 These are not regular Vue.js events, these events to be used for cross tab communication. on(key,fn)

Attaches a listener method to the given key. You can attach multiple methods on the same key.

const onChangeName = (newValue, OldValue, originUrl) => {
    // do something when `name` value gets changed
this.$localStorage.on('name', onChangeName);
this.$localStorage.on('name', this.anotherMethod)


Removes specified listener method form the given key.

this.$localStorage.off('name', this.onChangeName)


Removes all listeners for the given key otherwise clears the listeners pool when key not specified.


# Install in non-module environments (without webpack)

<!-- Vue js -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue@3"></script>
<!-- Lastly add this package -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue-web-storage@6"></script>
<!-- Init the plugin -->